Sun Yun 擁有二十多年的行業前沿,是在當代建築設計領域最負盛名的實踐者之一,在多個場合,他和他公司已被中國建築工業協會認定為年度建築事務所和年度設計師,也被美國建築文摘列為全球前100名設計公司之一。Sun的靈感來自於時常伴隨生活中美善的細節,主張使用舊物以創造新的概念,品牌在概念上基於重生的理念,創造別具一格的新裝,推出無二性和原創性的產品。
Sun Yun 拥有二十多年的行业前沿,是在当代建筑设计领域最负盛名的实践者之一,在多个场合,他和他公司已被中国建筑工业协会认定为年度建筑事务所和年度设计师,也被美国建筑文摘列为全球前100名设计公司之一。Sun的灵感来自於时常伴随生活中美善的细节,主张使用旧物以创造新的概念,品牌在概念上基於重生的理念,创造别具一格的新装,推出无二性和原创性的产品。
Architect-turned-fashion designer Sun Yun is one of the most prestigious practitioners in the field of contemporary architectural design, with over 20 years experience in the industry. On multiple occasions, he and his firm have been recognised by the China Construction Industry Association as "Architecture firm and designer of the year”. They have also been lauded by Architectural Digest(US) as one of the top 100 design firms in the world. Yun’s designs are inspired by the finest details in life and he often uses the old to create the new.