Robert Wun 畢業於London College of Fashion,他的畢業作品受Joyce Boutique賞識,並於2014年在倫敦成立同名女裝品牌 ROBERT WUN,旨在探索女性氣質,並通過雕塑衣物輪廓細節並以前衛方法處理物料之間產生的相互作用,定義現代時尚的新型態。
品牌曾獲提名International Woolmark Prize 2016,著名藝人如Celine Dion及Lady Gaga等亦曾穿著過他的設計,Robert曾受委任為皇家芭蕾舞團、《飢餓遊戲》電影系列、Netflix和導演黃家衛的電視廣告片設計服裝。
Robert Wun 毕业於London College of Fashion,他的毕业作品受Joyce Boutique赏识,并於2014年在伦敦成立同名女装品牌 ROBERT WUN,旨在探索女性气质,并通过雕塑衣物轮廓细节并以前卫方法处理物料之间产生的相互作用,定义现代时尚的新型态。
品牌曾获提名International Woolmark Prize 2016,着名艺人如Celine Dion及Lady Gaga等亦曾穿着过他的设计,Robert曾受委任为皇家芭蕾舞团丶《饥饿游戏》电影系列丶Netflix和导演黄家卫的电视广告片设计服装。
London College of Fashion graduate Robert Wun launched his eponymous London based womenswear label, ROBERT WUN,in 2014, after his graduate collection was discovered by Joyce Boutique. The label aims to explore the concept of femininity and defines a new edge in modern fashion through the interplay of sculptured silhouettes and futuristic materials.
The label was also nominated for the International Woolmark Prize 2016, and has been worn by the likes of Celine Dion and Lady Gaga. The designer has also created costumes for the Royal Ballet, Hunger Games Movie Series, Netflix and Director Wong Kar Wai’s TV commercials.