STAFFONLY 由Shimo Zhou 與 Une Yea於2015年在倫敦共同創立,是⼀個充滿能量並追求獨特審美趣味的男裝品牌。現品牌工作室常駐上海,旨在通過運用嶄新並時尚的概念,融合新穎的物料,為傳統男裝帶來嶄新而妙趣橫生的外觀,每季都創作出富啟發性並實用的作品。STAFFONLY不僅曾在倫敦及上海時裝週展出男裝及配飾系列,更曾與MINI和Onitsuka Tiger等其他領域的藝術家及先鋒品牌合作創意項目。
STAFFONLY自首次亮相以來就獲得了專業認可,包括入圍Vogue Talents、International Woolmark Prize和BOF China Prize,並與Lane Crawford、BoonTheShop、Galeries Lafayette和I.T.等一系列知名時裝零售商合作。
STAFFONLY 由Shimo Zhou 与 Une Yea於2015年在伦敦共同创立,是⼀个充满能量并追求独特审美趣味的男装品牌。现品牌工作室常驻上海,旨在通过运用崭新并时尚的概念,融合新颖的物料,为传统男装带来崭新而妙趣横生的外观,每季都创作出富启发性并实用的作品。STAFFONLY不仅曾在伦敦及上海时装周展出男装及配饰系列,更曾与MINI和Onitsuka Tiger等其他领域的艺术家及先锋品牌合作创意项目。
STAFFONLY自首次亮相以来就获得了专业认可,包括入围Vogue Talents丶International Woolmark Prize和BOF China Prize,并与Lane Crawford丶BoonTheShop丶Galeries Lafayette和I.T.等一系列知名时装零售商合作。
Established in London in 2015, STAFFONLY is a forward-thinking creative union founded by its two lead designers, Une and Shimo. Now based in Shanghai, STAFFONLY aims to offer a fresh and witty take on traditional menswear by harnessing sharp concepts and incorporating innovative materials to create both provocative and functional pieces every season. In addition to presenting menswear and accessories collections at London and Shanghai fashion weeks, STAFFONLY also works on creative projects with artists and pioneering brands including MINI and Onitsuka Tiger. The brand has been nominated for Vogue Talents , the Woolmark Prize and BOF China prize. It’s also stocked by prestigious retailers including Lane Crawford, BoontheShop, Galeries Lafayette and I.T.