女裝設計師Caroline Hu是倫敦Central Saint Martins的女裝設計專業本科畢業生,並隨後於Parsons School of Design完成了時裝設計碩士學位的深造。同名品牌CAROLINE HÚ於2018年創立,是一家主張對日常生活抱有浪漫態度的高級時裝品牌, 高級定制的工藝將當代美感侵入觀者的視覺與想象中。 於紐約與上海分別設有工作室的 Caroline Hu 於2018年攜品牌入圍意大利ITS大獎賽決賽;2019年,Caroline Hu先後入圍LVMH青年設計師大獎與BoF China Prize,並經過角逐成為了BoF China Prize的第一位獲獎設計師。同年入選2019福布斯中國30歲以下精英榜。
女装设计师Caroline Hu是伦敦Central Saint Martins的女装设计专业本科毕业生,并随後於Parsons School of Design完成了时装设计硕士学位的深造。同名品牌CAROLINE HÚ於2018年创立,是一家主张对日常生活抱有浪漫态度的高级时装品牌, 高级定制的工艺将当代美感侵入观者的视觉与想象中。 於纽约与上海分别设有工作室的 Caroline Hu 於2018年携品牌入围意大利ITS大奖赛决赛;2019年,Caroline Hu先後入围LVMH青年设计师大奖与BoF China Prize,并经过角逐成为了BoF China Prize的第一位获奖设计师。同年入选2019福布斯中国30岁以下精英榜。
Caroline Hu graduated from Central Saint Martins and completed the Master of Fashion Design programme at Parsons School of Design in 2017. In 2018 she founded her eponymous luxury label which proposes a romantic attitude towards daily life. A high level of craftsmanship combined with contemporary customization instantly invades the audiences’ visual imaginations. Based between New York and Shanghai, Hu was a finalist of the prestigious ITS Awards in 2018. In 2019, Hu became a semi-finalist of the LVMH Prize and the winner of the first edition of the BoF CHINA PRIZE. Hu was also selected as one of the young entrepreneurs under the Forbes China 30 Under 30 list in the same year.