DEMO 由香港時裝設計師Derek Chan 於2014年創立。品牌風格打破性別界限,混合男女裝的元素,以詩意與哲學創造獨有品味,散發的美感與態度。細緻的設計,例如手工裝飾,刺繡和粗花等物料,展示男性溫柔的一面,經典的設計元素與時尚配搭形成獨有風格,顛覆舊有觀念,塑造新世紀的男孩形象。
DEMO 由香港时装设计师Derek Chan 於2014年创立。品牌风格打破性别界限,混合男女装的元素,以诗意与哲学创造独有品味,散发的美感与态度。细致的设计,例如手工装饰,刺绣和粗花等物料,展示男性温柔的一面,经典的设计元素与时尚配搭形成独有风格,颠覆旧有观念,塑造新世纪的男孩形象。
Founded by Hong Kong designer Derek Chan in 2014, DEMO is a fashion label that redefines masculinity and femininity, dismantles gender boundaries and brings together philosophy and poetry in designs created to defy expectations. The aesthetics and attitude exuded in his work are beyond imagination. The brand’s signature style of soft masculinity is brought to life with handmade embellishments and embroidery, rich textiles such as tweed, and classical elements which are contrasted with contemporary styling to subvert stereotypes.