J KOO是由中央聖馬丁學院的畢業生Jinwoo Choi和YeonJoo Koo創立的設計師品牌,兩位設計師之間的平衡形成了獨特的J KOO風格:量身定制的女權主義和街頭文化。J KOO於2012年4月創立;2015年,J KOO獲Council of Fashion Designers of Korea評選為年度新晉設計師(Emerging Designer of the Year),品牌的2016春夏系列更被Sara Maino親自挑選在Vogue Talent Italy展出。在贏得International Woolmark Prize 2016(Asia Region)後,J KOO更入選同年International Woolmark Prize Womenswear決賽。
J KOO是由中央圣马丁学院的毕业生Jinwoo Choi和YeonJoo Koo创立的设计师品牌,两位设计师之间的平衡形成了独特的J KOO风格:量身定制的女权主义和街头文化。J KOO於2012年4月创立;2015年,J KOO获Council of Fashion Designers of Korea评选为年度新晋设计师(Emerging Designer of the Year),品牌的2016春夏系列更被Sara Maino亲自挑选在Vogue Talent Italy展出。在赢得International Woolmark Prize 2016(Asia Region)後,J KOO更入选同年International Woolmark Prize Womenswear决赛。
J KOO was founded by Central Saint Martins graduates Jinwoo Choi and YeonJoo Koo. The different aesthetics of both designers formed the unique JKOO style which includes tailored feminism and street culture. J KOO launched in April 2012, and shortly after in 2015, JKOO was awarded Emerging Designer of the Year by the Council of Fashion Designers of Korea. The spring/summer 2016 collection was exhibited at Vogue Talent Italy and the brand was also an International Woolmark Prize Womenswear finalist that same year.