2015年於倫敦時裝學院-男裝設計碩士專業畢業,Chen Peng曾就職於Christian Dior、 Harrods、Gareth Pugh等國際品牌與零售商。 品牌首個男裝系列“Normal-In-Normal”在倫敦男裝周上展示不久,便被英國版《Vogue》評選為最值得關注的品牌。2016 年11月提名H&M AWARDS 青年設計師大獎全球總決賽。在CHENPENG的設計美學中,美與醜之間沒有界限,強調突出個人風格與特點,旨在鼓勵體型豐滿的人群去追求美,因此他的作品適合不同體型的人群,這個類似於標準尺寸 (one size)的概念,被他稱之為One-sized Fashion。前《Love》時裝總監、知名時裝造型師Anders Solvsten Thomsen稱該品牌擁有著“反傳統主義的,離經叛道的”時尚美學。其設計主打輪廓誇張、色彩鮮艷的羽絨服。
2015年於伦敦时装学院-男装设计硕士专业毕业,Chen Peng曾就职於Christian Dior丶 Harrods丶Gareth Pugh等国际品牌与零售商。 品牌首个男装系列“Normal-In-Normal”在伦敦男装周上展示不久,便被英国版《Vogue》评选为最值得关注的品牌。2016 年11月提名H&M AWARDS 青年设计师大奖全球总决赛。在CHENPENG的设计美学中,美与丑之间没有界限,强调突出个人风格与特点,旨在鼓励体型丰满的人群去追求美,因此他的作品适合不同体型的人群,这个类似於标准尺寸 (one size)的概念,被他称之为One-sized Fashion。前《Love》时装总监丶知名时装造型师Anders Solvsten Thomsen称该品牌拥有着“反传统主义的,离经叛道的”时尚美学。其设计主打轮廓夸张丶色彩鲜艳的羽绒服。
Chen Peng graduated from London College of Fashion, where he received a master degree in Menswear Fashion Design Technology. Peng had worked for international brands and retailers such as Chritstian Dior, Harrods and Gareth Pugh before launching his own brand. His debut menswear collection “Normal-In-Normal” in London Fashion Week 2019 quickly gained the attention of prestigious press such as British Vogue. Peng was a finalist at the H&M Awards in the same year. His work can be defined as the One-sized Fashion, speaking for the minority with special body sizes. In Peng’s design aesthetics, there are no boundaries between beauty and ugliness. Instead he focuses on accentuating personal features. Peng designs pieces suitable for both over-sized and skinny masses by comparing differet body shapes among various individuals. Anders Solvsten Thomsen, the stylist from ANTIDOTE magazine, described Peng’s work as “anti-tradition and deviant.”